Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Her prayer which will be mine

My Prayer

I pray for a man, that will be a part of my life
A man that really loves YOU more than everything
A man that will put me in the second place of his heart
A man that lives not for himself but for YOU

The most important is
I want a heart that really loves and thirsty of YOU
And have a desire to be like JESUS
And He must know for whom and for what he lives so his life is not useless
 Someone that has a wise heart not only a smart brain
A man that not only loves me but also respect me
A man that not only adore me
But can warn me when I am wrong
A man that loves me not because of my beauty
But my heart
A man that can be my best friend
In every time and situation
A man that make me feel like a woman
When I am beside him

I do not ask for a perfect man
But I ask for an imperfect man
 A man that needs my support for his strenght
A man that needs my prayer for his life
A man that needs my smile to cover his sadness
A man that needs my love so he feels being loved
A man that needs me to make his life beautiful

And also I ask
Make me be a woman that can make him proud
Give me a heart that really LOVES YOU
So I can love him with Your Love
Not love him with my love

Give me your gentle spirit
So my beauty does not come from outside
But comes from You
 Give me Your Hands
That I always be able to pray for him
Give me Your Eyes
So I can see many good things in him
And not the bad one
Give me Your mouth
That is filled with Your Words
Of wisdom and encouragement
So I can support him everyday
Give me Your lips
And I will smile at him every morning

And I want that when we finally meet
Both of us can say
How great Thou Art

I know that You want us to met at the right time
And You will make everything beautiful in Your time

-Grace Suryani Tioso-
"Tuhan Masih Menulis Cerita Cinta"
rewritten by me
 just sharing about the prayer that  i've  got from my friend..
and i hope this prayer will be mine..
PS :Thank you for sharing it , sist Grace! and thank you for you who gives me message :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

just sharing

I Remember - Mocca

I remember...The way you glanced at me, yes I remember
I remember...When we caught a shooting star, yes I remember
I remember.. All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember.. All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn

Do you remember..?
When we were dancing in the rain in that december
And I remember..When my father thought you were a burglar
I remember.. All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember.. All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn

I remember.. The way you read your books, 
yes I remember
The way you tied your shoes, 
yes I remember
The cake you loved the most, 
yes I remember
The way you drank you coffee, 
I remember
The way you glanced at me, yes I remember
When we caught a shooting star, 
yes I remember
When we were dancing in the rain in that december
And the way you smile at me, 
yes I remember

when I was listened about this song, I always remember my past. 
Have you ever feel like remember about your story in Senior High School.?? About friendship, naughtiness, sadness, happiness, love and about everything that can't said. I just remember about my sweet memory in my senior high school n I think I would never forgot it. It just something kind that always make us laugh when we remember it.”

enjoy this song :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

I call it friendship

Seperti lagu : “dipertemukan,,dan dikumpulkan,,dipersatukan dalam sebuah keluarga Tuhan,,kaulah temanku,,engakau sahabatku,,karena Kristus kita satu dan menjadi keluarga”
Antara aku, kau dan dia dipertemukan Tuhan bukan suatu kebetulan. Pertemanan diantara kita tidak terjalin secara otomatis begitu saja tetapi membutuhkan proses yang panjang..panjangggg sekalii..

Selalu ada amarah, selalu ada kata maaf, selalu ada rasa kesal, selalu ada kata kengen, ada kata sedih, ada juga tawa-gembira, ada yang merasa tersakiti, ada juga  yang perlu dihibur, ada yang selalu ingin didengarkan(curhat maksudnya) J, ada perhatian dan masih banyak lagi.. Itu semua itu merupakan warna-warni dari pertemanan kita.
Friendship means a lot in my life other than family,
friendship are a precious treasure..
I know I can count on you in difficult times,
I know that I can share with you happy and sad moments, and I also know that our friendship is based on mutual love
Friendship is a very special gift, I won't be able to thank you enough for it

Jangan pernah merasa jenuh terhadap pertemanan ini, Disaat-saat kamu merasa kehilangan datanglah kepada temanmu, karena dia akan selalu ada untukmu layaknya keluarga.
Secara gak sadar setelah kita mengenal kalian beberapa tahun ini, saya menyadari bahwa betapa pentingnya kalian dalam hidup saya sebagai seorang teman, sahabat dan keluarga. Always love all of u my lovely friends..

Berpetualang bersama :marthin-christy-dedy-esra-jhonly-kaisar-bernida-priska-dita

Main bareng: nida-sabam-christy-jhonly-kaisar-marthin-james

Celebrate the Christmas n the new year together

Ngerayain ultah bareng

“ esra-christy”

Kunjungan khaisar waktu sakit *tetap narsis walau sakit* J

I always thank to Jesus who gives me the best like you are
Thanks for filling my life with so much happines
Remember that I am always here to listen to you, to comfort you, to share your sorrow, and to celebrate your success.....
I hope that today and every day brought us love and happiness in our friendships
Ever and forever

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Be cheerful and storng girl.!! :)

Satu kata  yang mungkin sangat sering menghampiri hidup kita, ketika kita ngerasa putus asa dan menyerah terhadap sesuatu. Saya sebagai manusia biasa juga  tidak dapat terhidar dari satu sifat ini. Namun cepat atau lambat saya sadar, kalau hanya mengeluh terus kita tidak akan pernah bisa tahu apa hasilnya. Selain kepercayaan, doa dan juga usaha, satu elemen penting yang di butuhkan adalah kekuatan untuk menghadapi semuanya.. 

Ketika masa-masa sulit menghampiri kita, sudah seharusnya kita move on.Ketika rasa sakit dating, kita harus segera menyembuhkannya. Setelah berhasil melewatinya , dan saat itulah datang kekuatan yang semakin kuat. Lebih percaya diri, lebih capable, lebih menjadi sesuatu yang kita butuhkan, inginkan, dan harapkan. Ga akan pernah gampang untuk membuat perubahan, tetapi buatlah yang terbaik yg kita bisa. 

You can have hope, you can be optimistic. You can be strong and patient. Life is full of new beginnings. We are the author of the story of our lives. Then we can make the next chapter a wonderful one..”

Berpikirlah kalau semua kekecewaan dan masalah suatu pembelajaran yang ada agar bisa mempunyai kehidupan yang lebih baik lagi kedepannya. Selalu terbuka terhadap kemungkinan, perubahan, dan kesempatan yang baru. Buatlah setiap pagi menjadi pintu baru yang terbuka lebih baik dibandingkan sebelumnya. Jangan pernah putus asa dan kehilangan kekuatan.

Percayalah teman, semua akan baik-baik saja. Dan akan seperti itu karena kita spesial dengan segala kekuatan, usaha, dan kepercayaan kita dalam mengerjakan sesuatu. Mulailah dari sekarang dan untuk waktu yang panjang dalam menjalani hidup, untuk terus semangat.

Be cheerful and strong guys because we have not know what will happened in our future.!!

Kita ga akan pernah tahu apa yang akan kita peroleh hasilnya dari perbuatan kita, tapi kalau kita tidak berbuat apa-apa, maka tidak akan ada hasil...